Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Students Learn The Art of Film Making

     by Tevin Campbell                                                 

Do you like movies? Do you want to learn how to make movies? Well if so then you’re in luck because your own school, Washington Irving, has the right after-school program for you: the Video Lab.
The Video Lab is a film making workshop that teaches high school students how to create short films. The classes are free, and take place each and every Monday, from 3:00pm-6:00pm at The New School. The Video Lab website, thevideolab.org, explains what takes place in the workshop. The students learn how to handle a camera, lighting, sound and editing, including concepts such as cinematography and media studies.
This past semester, Washington Irving students involved in the Video Lab included seniors Michael, Marryam, Naresh, Carlos, Jahmel, and Tevin, the only junior. “It has opened up my creativity that I never knew I had,” Marryam expressed. “Live, laugh, film,” are the bold words coming from the senior Jahmel who teamed up with Carlos on their group project about the kind of music people listen to. Carlos himself also had some comments on his experience with video lab. “It’s a baby step to Hollywood. It’s a chance to make your own film and you’re in control,” the current fourth year student stated. “This is a limited opportunity.  Not many schools have this program, so people should take advantage of it.”
According to sources within the Video Lab, during the previous semester, the students started out creating self-portraits videos about things that identify who they are. As the semester winded down, for their last project the students were paired into groups of two. Tevin and Naresh made their video on what people like about New York City. Michael and Marryam’s video was based on the kind of styles people wear, and finally, Carlos and Jahmel’s video about people’s choice of music.
The videos have apparently not yet been posted online, and Tevin had a few words to say about that. “I don’t know what’s taking so long.  I am dying for them to be put up so everyone can see.”
The new semester of Video Lab has already started and the whole semester will solely and entirely be based on documentary films about communities, according to Alex, one of the film mentors. So if any students are interested in joining Video Lab next fall, see Emily in the college office.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Online Lunch App

by Tevin Campbell

There is a new way for students and parents to fill out the school lunch form: the internet.  All it takes is three simple steps.  First, go to www.nyc.gov/accessny.  Second, click on “apply for school meals.”  Finally, submit the application. “It’s faster,” said Ms. Nicholson (one of the school medical staff whom handles lunch forms). An ordinary paper application takes up to three weeks for results to get back to students on whether they qualify for free lunch or not. “Plus, a lot of students end up losing the application and so they have to come back and get another one,” Ms. Nicholson explains. Compared to the old paper application, the new online application it takes no more than a week for results and there is no worry about losing it.   It’s done right then and there, and just as Ms, Nicholson stated, “it’s faster.”

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pajama Jammy Jam

Denise Leon, Britanie Dihui, Jahaira Nieves, Emely Velez, Ashley Vargas, Nidia Romero, Jessica Encalada, Estephany Delacruz, and Diana Pelaez dress down for senior PJ day.

Have more pictures from Pajama Day?  Email them to: Irvingtimes@yahoo.com